pwnable.kr_1 pwnable.kr_1
1.[fd]solvessh the server.and see three files.fd,fd.c,flag. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include
static web static web
Because my teacher tell me to build a static web server for defend the attack.I think i should do this things: it can d
ssh pi by python ssh pi by python
use python to scan raspberry pi #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- #!/usr/bin/python import paramiko import threading def ssh2(ip,
rsa-of-ctf-2 rsa-of-ctf-2
8.gcd(n1,n2)Sometimes,n1 n2 are too big to factor.you can try gcd(n1,n2) def gcd(a, b): if a < b: a, b =
rsa_of_ctf_1 rsa_of_ctf_1
IN CTF,Rsa often appears.BUT in ctf it’s usually with Fixed method to solve it.Today,I put all code to here. 1.have p,q
ngrok+esxi+pfsense ngrok+esxi+pfsense
With a thinking,try to make a cloud environment to do my job,that i can use a chromebook for a whole day work.for this,I
cve-2018-1111 cve-2018-1111
Recently, Red Hat has released a security update that fixes a remote code execution flaw numbered CVE-2018-1111. An atta
synchronize the hexo with github synchronize the hexo with github
Recently I move my blog from vps to github with hexo.It’s first time to use hexo.It’s good but I have a question with ho
Flow meter Flow meter
All is build in Raspberry Pi 3b this is a bash for Raspberry Pi to get a gpio python php mysql and open i2c-0 pi.sh #su
rsa_combinations rsa_combinations
15号做的,算是迁移博客后的第一篇吧 #! /usr/bin/python2.7 from Crypto.Util.number import size,bytes_to_long,getStrongPrime from itertool
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